Sunday, 30 November 2008

A Social Networking Website for Professionals : LinkedIn

Nowadays, there is no way you can find somebody with no idea about Facebook. It is like a sickness(Actually I am suffering from it as well, I hope someone out there can find its treatment:)) Anyway, there is a pretty useful social website called LinkedIn. So why not closing our Facebook window for a minute and look at LinkedIn? The people is likely to find jobs and do recommendations for somebody else through LinkedIn. It is just like an online CV with references.

To learn further about LinkedIn , here is an explicative LinkedIn video

Wednesday, 26 November 2008


Youtube is a platform to share videos by uploading them online. The relentless growth of Youtube is attributed primarly to its usability and efficiency. If you feel like you don't have enough idea about a subject, all you need to do is to search it on Youtube! Hundreds of videos would be appear immediately in your screen after your search. Nowadays, Youtube is the easiest way to reach information you are looking for. You can also watch the videos uploaded by your friend or someone else from all over the world and watch it whenever you want! Amazing!!!

Thursday, 20 November 2008

What is social networking?

Social Networking websites like Facebook, Orkut, Hi5 etc became indispensable parts of our daily lives. The rise and rise of Social Networking could be explained by its ease of accessibility. You can keep in touch with your friends from all over the world through these websites or you can find your friends you have never seen each other for many years. From that point of view, social networking websites are fantastic.
But from security point of view, Social Networking is not as fantastic as it sounds. When it comes to security, most people believe that these websites are using their individual informations in order to increase profits of some companies.
Despite all these concerns about security, believe it or not, the total Social networking website users in the world is nearly 1 billion people!! It is huge. Isn’t it? So there is one thing left to do about social networking : ENJOY IT!!:)

A video about Social Networking

Another Web 2.0 Application : Flickr

Flickr is basically a platform to share your photos and videos. You are not only sharing your photos, also tag them as the name of location in order to make your photos appear when someone search the stated location in a search engine like Google. Recent investigations implies that Flickr's database contains more than 3 billion photos!!!
You can see my flickr photos from the widget at the right.

A Flickr video from Youtube:

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Mashup and Microsoft Popfly

Mashup is described as new version of "software". Mashup software became very common as a result of its facilities.
Microsoft Popfly is very useful website which allows users (with no programming background) to create mashup easily. Microsoft Popfly offers user to create mashup easily. There are some boxes which signifies other web 2.0 applications. All you need to do is just to connect them via arrows to each other. Then you click on "play" button and it is done!!

The below video shows brief explanation about how to create a mashup on Microsoft Popfly.

Sunday, 16 November 2008


Here is another useful video which focus on further explanation of Web 2.0 and its applications:

Friday, 14 November 2008

Delicious is a social bookmarking web application which enables users to create some bookmarks to keep them. What is more, you can share your stored bookmarks with everybody. You can tag your bookmarks in order to make them visible for other people. Thus all the people around the world could see your bookmarking and use them.
You can see my bookmarks at the right side of the page.

Let's watch a very explicative video about

What is Web 2.0?

Hello everybody!!

After I gave up my old Word Press blog and decided to create a pretty new Blogspot blog which allows you to have external widgets, I would like to talk about the aim of this blog.

This blog is created to introduce Web 2.0 features and its popular applications. These applications cover social networking web sites (such as Facebook, Orkut, Hi5) , video and photo sharing web sites (such as Flickr, Youtube) , blogs (such as Word Press, Blogspot), wikis (such as Wikipedia) etc.

According to Tim O'Reilly (creator of Web2.0), Web 2.0 could be simply described like that :

“Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as a platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform.”

Here is a short video of Tim O'Reilly about Web 2.0 definition