Sunday, 14 December 2008

Peer-to-Peer Networks

Peer-to-Peer network could be basically described as a combination of many servers into a single network since each computer in the network has same features. There is no need anymore to have a central server to perform file sharing operations as each computer in the network is able to communicate to each other in P2P networks. Kazaa, Limewire, uTorrent, iMesh, eMule are best-known peer-to-peer file sharing applications in the web. The aim of these websites is basically to create a platform to share files. You can share lots of files such as MP3, videos etc. in these platforms for free!!

Here is a video about what peer-to-peer concept is:

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Skype : calling over the internet

Today I will give some general informations about Skype. Skype is a very famous internet application which allows you to talk to somebody else over internet just like you are talking on mobile. The only difference between them is their environment as Skype supports the calls via internet and you need to talk through your computer microphone. Moreover it is free!! I really appreciate Skype as I talk to my family, girlfriend and friends as much as I want thanks to Skype. All I need to do is switching on my computer and running Skype. We can see each other in the webcam as well.
You can use Skype just like mobile if you wish to pay some money monthly as well. To make the long story short, Skype offers us lots of facilities to use.
Skype is used for web conferences which is very essential in business related purposes. Thus Skype could also be implemented in business too.

Skype explanation on Youtube

Sunday, 7 December 2008

What is Wiki?

Wiki is basically a kind of website which allows you to edit the website information in order to express your opinion online. Wiki means “very fast” in Hawaiian language (I have read an experience of somebody who has been in Honolulu Airport about how fast the shuttle busses called Wiki Wiki are over there, interesting!:)) Besides its “fast” structure, it is an extremely effective application as everybody can edit the content individually. The most popular wiki is certainly Wikipedia.
The disadvantage of that tool is about that idea: If something wrong is written in webpage, nothing can stop it until somebody else will be corrected that error!! But as many users are visiting the webpage and correct them, it is not a big deal anymore.
Wikipedia is a new collaboration method in companies as well. Company workers can modify the concept according to their ideas and may work electronically in the webpage through wiki. It is just like an online discussion board.

Here is a nice video about Wikis

Friday, 5 December 2008

RSS as collaboration partner of "Blog"

I will continue to mention of RSS today, but today's topic is a little bit different from general RSS concept as the idea is to write about business implementation of RSS with blog collaboration. Blog is an extremely powerful tool to share articles online with the people from all over the world. Nowadays, blog concept is likely to be popular among companies as well since it creates a platform for people to share their ideas as “comments”. The way RSS might be associated with blog, arises from concerns about gaining time. Refreshing blog pages for many times is just waste of time when an efficient tool already exists for that purpose. RSS is an awfully compatible tool which enables user to get latest feeds from somebody else’s blog automatically. Imagine, for example, some implementation in a company. All employees have their own blog and RSS feeding system. As RSS system feeds from all employees blogs in the company, everybody becomes aware of other people’s blog postings. It is a pretty new way of communication.

Thursday, 4 December 2008

A Powerful Web 2.0 application : RSS

RSS can be simply described as a XML based web feeding system used for informing internet users about the latest news and additions in a particular webpage. Since RSS became very famous internet tool, its field of application is getting larger and larger with each passing day. Newsletters and blogs are the most popular ones.

RSS offers many facilities by giving recent website updates to users. Thereby there is no need to visit the original website anymore to learn the updates as RSS provides summary of the website in a time scheduled basis. Other important RSS facilities could be easily noticed when RSS is compared with e-mail application. Whatever may be said, nowadays most people would agree that e-mail is not a secure web tool because of spam and virus attacks. Late e-mail delivery and e-mail delivery to wrong recipient are other e-mail issues. Nevertheless one-third of e-mails tend to be blocked by spam filters. Therefore user may not be aware of the latest news of a newsletter, company discount etc. Seen from this aspect RSS is much powerful, safe and regular tool for web feeding operations.

Here is a video from youtube about RSS